Why should you learn arduino here ....
Hello guys! Welcome to Arduinos2s, Here I will be giving you related to Arduino and some basic electronics stuff that I'll encounter during projects ahead. My knowledge about Arduino is almost null currently but I know some basics of coding and had played with electronics a bit. Now you may say like 'This guy is noob why should I learn from him, it will be much better for me to learn it from an expert'. Hold on a second if you thinking so, let me clear my intentions and idea behind this blog. I just started learning Arduino a week ago. At this point, I did exactly what you would have done. I too searched for a tutorial by experts and also followed official tutorials on Arduino official web site. You can learn all of this there too but let me share my experience with you and trust me sometimes things get really messy and confusing, because the person writing the article or tutorial are experts. Sometimes They use some words or mention some concept or any other thing whi...