Getting ready for journey in Arduino micro controller

                First of all, you need to buy some basic components for everything ahead. It's not compulsory it's your call but I will definitely recommend buying all of it Also they won't cost you much and are very important

1] Arduino microcontroller board:-
                Of course, it is the most important component you should buy. Now, it might get confusing which board to buy. There are many different types of board available you can check them out on the official website. For this tutorials, We will be going with Arduino UNO R3.
                 Now another factor to consider is, Whether to buy an original board or duplicate one. I didn't know there exists original and duplicate version of boards when I bought my Arduino board. I bought it for 600 rupees from a local store. Later I came to know that it is a duplicate board. I was little worried it will work or not. But it worked perfectly.So I researched about it on Internet and came to know that Arduino is an open source. That means Circuits of the board can be copied and fabricated by anyone and also can sell them and it's not illegal. Even you can create your own Arduino at home. But it kind of complicated for a beginner level. It can even cost you more because you will not make it on the first try you will surely burn one or two components. So don't do it.
                 So coming to which one you should you buy. Actually, you can go for any one of them. Both works decent and have same technical specifications. With original Arduino you will get warranty & full  compatibility but it costs around 1300 rupees, if you buy duplicate one it will cost you around 600 rupees Disadvantage can be that sometimes you have to do some extra work to get it work (installing bootloader and stuff) and it has no warranty so if you are planning to buy duplicate one check it on the spot it might be fake Arduino
To identify which one is duplicate and which one is original refer this Link

 Arduino UNO R3

2] Breadboard:-
              Second very important thing you will need is breadboard. This board is very useful while making a temporary circuit to test them without mounting it on PCB and soldering stuff. It comes in variety of sizes you can buy any size you want. But go for standard size. In the next article I will explain basics thing about Arduino and breadboard and how to use them.
Breadboard (Standard Size)
3]Connecting wires:-
                The last thing will be required is connecting wires you can choose between single strand wires and Jumper wires. here single strand wires are cheap but not handy, on other hard jumper wires are little costly but are really handy. but both will work fine except Single strand wires may cause loose connection.Single strand wires are sold per meter while jumper wires as per piece. if you are buying Jumper wires buy full strip of wires.They come in three types

  1. male to male
  2. female to female
  3. male to female

Single strand wires
Jumper wires

Where to Buy:-
               When it comes to buying small components Like resistors, capacitors, IC's etc. Which we will require upcoming projects ( I will mention list of components at start of every project). I won't recommend buying them online. They cost much much less at local store. if you live in big cities like Pune, Mumbai then you'll be able to buy this component for a cheap price at local store. So check price at local store and compare both prices (online and offline) then, of course go for less  price
                For other components like Arduino board, breadboard, sensors, stepper and servo motors etc. you can consider online option these things are sometimes much cheaper online.


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